Today’s Reading List

Reading List | Melanie Ritchie

I love the library. I especially love their online ordering system for placing holds. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that make it even more enjoyable. When the kids come home with scholastic order forms I put several of the books on hold. On occasion I do buy the kids books from the order forms but mostly I’m quite happy to borrow from the library instead. When I’m at a bookstore and see an amazing book I check the library app first. Same goes for seeing books on Amazon, suggested reading on blogs, and lists on Goodreads. The library is awesome.

Our local library used to be a hole in the wall. That is only a slight exaggeration. It was really quite unpleasant. Then the city or province (I can’t remember which) got funding to build new libraries. Within a year we had a brand spanking new library attached to our local community centre. It is a warm, inviting and aesthetically pleasing place. I love going there. I wait there while my kids are in activities at the community centre.

I also discovered our library has a subscription to As long as you are physically in the library you can access the website. I’m thinking I might spend more time at the library so I can do a little family research.

Here are a few books I brought home this week. I need to make myself a coffee, grab a warm blanket, and sit in the corner to read.

  1. Fairy Houses… Unbelievable! by Barry Kane – I’m planning on making a fairy village in our front garden this summer with the kids. Mostly to keep the kids occupied and entertained. Thought this book might give us some good ideas.
  2. Lore & Legends of Long Point  by Harry B. Barrett – My ancestors settled the Long Point area of Ontario. I thought I’d better read up on it.
  3. The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils by Kurt Schnaubelt – I love essential oils. I have been surprised by the sudden popularity of them. I see pinterest pins touting all sorts of miraculous uses for them. While I love oils and believe they have healing properties I am skeptical and alarmed by the claims. I thought I’d read up and educate myself. If time and money were no issue I’d love to take a course. In the meantime, this book will be a good start.
  4. Art Before Breakfast by Danny Gregory – Anything to motivate me to fit creativity and drawing into my daily routine is a very good thing indeed. This past year has been about finding a new order to my day. I need to prioritize my art. Let’s see if this book helps.
  5. Gardening Lab for Kids by Renata Fossen Brown – This book just looks so cool. Combining gardening, experimentation, and creativity is exactly what kids love. I’m hoping we have a spring and summer full of outdoor play and dirty messes.

Well, that is all for now. I’ve got lots to do today. One child is home with me due to a mild fever, headache, and aches and pains. I’m feeling the same way. I need to catch up on planting seedlings. My house needs caution tape it is so messy. I have actual work to do. I have a cauliflower in the fridge that needs a recipe to go with it. I’d like to try out that new crafting tool I bought. Um, and maybe a nap in the afternoon might be good? See, VERY busy. Ha!

Have a great day! Tootles!